
Good vibrations...

This post is specifically for you...
You know who you are.

Today is a big day for you, big changes... but even bigger opportunities.
There is always a little anxiety, maybe a lot of anxiety.

Isn't it funny how naming your fears defangs them?

I am afraid of failing out of school because I believe others will think I'm not qualified, intelligent, successful.
I am afraid that I made the wrong decision because I'm not 100% enthusiastic about it, all the time.
I am afraid of being alone by myself at night because everybody else seems to have someone, it must mean something is wrong with me.
I am afraid of leaving the comfort of my established life because learning a new way is painful sometimes.
I am afraid of living far away from loved ones because I feel less protected.
I am afraid because I don't feel in control, I don't know what to expect, there is a lot that is unknown, I could be hurt, look bad...

Name them. These fears are like vines choking you. You have to follow these fears all the way back to their roots. If you've neglected corners of your garden specific vines may be overgrown, tangled and windy, back and forth, in and out of different rooms, wrapped in hopelessly complex knots, intractably present for the duration. What are you going to do? Unnamed fears will eventually choke you, lead to poor decisions, and missed attempts if not properly handled. But you just can't pull at the vines, they will keep coming back.

Let me ask you something, when you're not anxious- why is that? What is there?

Why are you not afraid to drive to the supermarket?
Why are you not afraid to spend the night with me?
Why are perfectly fearless when it comes to climbing up a rock wall?
Why is there a smile at the thought of a vacation to... oh I don't know, Nantucket?

... Hmmmmmmm, lets think about that.

Because when you do not fear, you are living with faith.

Remember that, faith and fear cannot coexist- they are like positive and negative charges- both cannot be present at the same time and place. Not in these United States, not in this spacetime continuum. Not gonna happen chief.

At the root of all your fears, yes thats right all of them, is a deficit (hopefully temporary) in faith.

When faith gets a hold of the roots of those vines, that's it, the vine dies. No exceptions. Faith is like poison to fear. Then its only a matter of time before the whole nasty thing shrivels, dries, cracks, and disintegrates. From this point forward - easy cleanup.

So, whenever you feel anxious, waste no time -get straight to the root, even if the thing has thorns, go right there, immediately, no coffee break, no warm up. Be rigorous in your self honesty- shine the white light, and see what's living where.

I know you already know this, but you have to have this on the front burner, not the back burner, especially now that you are on a new trajectory. Be aware of your faith in whatever you are doing, from faith in God to the faith that this delicious peach I'm chewing will not kill me.

Then act, without fear.

Acting in faith is the essence of courage.

You're gonna do great, and be fulfilled, challenged, exhausted, bored, alarmed, pissed, panicked, emotional, laughing, and at the end of the day - something strange will be creeping up behind you, stepping lightly with pep and stealth, like a benevolent ninja. All of the sudden tap tap on the shoulder...
"What? I'm tired, can't we do this tomorrow?"
Ninja: "No, turn around, this can't wait."
"Are you sure, I'm very busy, I've got a lot of things to do, and I have to get to bed because I want a full night's rest, I want to be on top of my game tomorrow, cant this wait?"
Ninja: "No, this can't wait, I know you're very busy, you have to turn around."
"Who are you?"
Ninja: "Happiness, I'm happiness, I can sneak up on you because you are busy constructing a productive and fulfilling life. Psssst, you can always find me by not looking for me"


1 comment:

Marek Hirsch said...

I have faith that the next President will take us into Facism under the guise of social prosperity. This creates fear for me.