
Integrity integrity integrity

Merriam Webster defines integrity as a firm adherence to a code of moral or artistic values. Yet there are also secondary and tertiary definitions: an unimpaired condition and the quality or state of being undivided, respectively. Integrity is a word that comes from the Latin integritas, meaning entire or whole. I find it interesting that the lesser (second and third) definitions are closer to its original meaning. Consider the degree to which the current parlance has departed from its origins. 

So I ask myself, how is it that the definition of the word integrity has changed? It could be that integrity has taken on its modern connotation because when we describe something, we mght have confused cause and effect. Follow me here, if I am a person who is whole, or unimpaired with respect to my thoughts and actions, the degree to which I function effectively in this world is augmented greatly with respect to others who are confused or divided.  I have witnessed this myself in people, its what I emulate in people. When you meet them it is apparent that they are solid, or concentrated (see below for explanation). So this type of person gets noticed and possibly described by others. Maybe at some point in the effort to be original, another person notices the solid state of this character and uses the word integrity. It takes hold, and the person's positive attributes are mistaken for his/her solid state of being. But whatever the case, at the root of behavior perceived as positive or moral, is wholeness, or soundness. And I argue that whatever you are going to do in this world, be it good or bad (hopefully good), if you want to be effective you have to do it with integrity.

Consider the opposite for just a moment. Not whole, a fraction, subdivided, or divided, or separate.

A state of division takes many forms.

 Is my concentration divided? Am I in two or more places at once? Am I delving into the past for any other purpose than information gathering or guided reflection? Am I escaping into a future that will always remain fantasy when instead I should be here in the eternal present, unbroken, undivided, integral, or whole?

Am I serving two masters? Or more succintly, are my motivations conflicted? Is there discord? Is there destructive interference between the waves that I'm riding in this life? Where am I out of sync? Where is the waste? Do I have a firm grasp on the reasons for my actions? Do I understand myself, do I have insight? What is guiding me? What am I denying?

Plagued by negative self-talk? "I can't... They probably won't... She wouldn't... It will never... I don't see..." You are divided. Are you really, really sure that, "it will never work"? Hmmmm. Interesting, forgive me I didn't see the data on these conclusions, but I can only assume that since leagues of scientists spend decades chained to a bench meticulously repeating the most mundane procedures ad nauseum to merely support the most modest of conclusions that you must have completed a rigorous investigation when verifying those words escaping your lips. I look forward to reading your paper in the Journal of You have no idea what is going to happen, but until then, error on the side of a slightly positive bent. No one has all the facts.

But... a state of integrity, of any duration, is one of wholeness.

What is the purpose of existing with integrity? When I act with integrity, whether rightly or wrongly (according to my understanding of right and wrong), that state of wholeness awards me concentration. And what is concentration? It is a comparison, it is simply a ratio. It is a measure of order, it less likely for a state to be concentrated than not concentrated, chemistry reveals this fundamental idea. In every use of this word, concentration is ratio: mass over volume. What are these properties? In life I think, mass is the energy that you bring to bear on any moment in time, it is the sum of your particular existence, even if it is not entirely clear. Volume? Volume is a measure of space, it represents the size of your focal point, the size of your attention. Concentrate on this chapter... My! this gatorade is concentrated. That music is wrecking my concentration!! All are statements that use a comparison to describe the wholeness of a state. If my actions in the moment are concentrated, undivided, unified then I am a person of integrity. Chances are people will attribute positive characteristics to you, or think you a good person, honest etc... that is a debate for another day. But what will not be disputed will be your effectiveness. 

Integrity integrity integrity! Do everything with integrity. Then you will be an individual of concentration. You will be an individual of higher energy. Why be this way? Existing with integrity is beautiful, it is less likely, more ordered, and uncommon. The effect of existing with integrity in the practical sense of today's world is that you end up helping others.

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