

What about a children's book series on basic science laws - physics, biochem, cell? They would be very simple and colorfully illustrated and get across major themes in science - I would personify molecules and even try to interweave life lessons into the subcellular plot - e.g. - take ATP a neurotic type A, always doing something, phosphatases are classically depressed - hence blue, always shutting down cell function, just an idea - but the illustrations and visual representations (colors) would be far more important.

Personify but not anthropomorphize, no faces on the molecule, but suggest personality to,
or completely blend them - the nucleus is an infinitely repeating library, it would remind me of Borges Library of Babel
The nuclear transcription factors might be meek and silent librarians, keepers of the maze. It would be a fun project.

1 comment:

Suchita S said...

You know what else would be a fun project? The protein synthesis dance. Epic...and accurate.