It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Check this out. Here is a new drug up for approval. It is called tesofensine, and it is seeking FDA approval by a Danish pharmaceutical concern NeuroSearch (NEUSF). The drug initially began as a potential Alzheimer's or Parkinson's treatment. Soon it came to light that tesofensine wasn't doing much for these diseases, but oddly enough resulted in significant weight loss and elevated mood. NeuroSearch next changed the application and sought approval for tesofensine as an anti-obesity, possibly anti-depressant treatment. The mechanism of action of this molecule is a CNS biogenic amine reuptake inhibitor (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine). 5 bucks to anyone who can name the most famous biogenic amine reuptake inhbitor of all time?
Say hello to my little friend:

Get it yet?
Here is tesofensine:

It seems tesofensine bears an uncanny resemblance to its more infamous South American cousin, cocaine, aka, snow, blow, yeyo!, aka Bolivian marching powder, aka candy cane, or Bernie's gold dust, that renowned alkaloid of the coca plant. Look at the similarity in these two molecules, they are basically the same, the functional groups are the same, with the exception of tesofensine being maybe a little more lipid soluble w/o the ester linkages in the R groups coming off the ring, so I'd be willing to bet it crosses the BBB and has greater CNS availability.
Isn't it funny that a "legitimate" pharmaceutical concern is seeking approval of an analogue of the most famous weight loss anti-depressant molecule of all time?? People lost weight on tesofensine? I don't believe it!! Jeez, why don't we just legalize and regulate cocaine already?
1. more tax $$
2. less prison time for everyone, (save $$)
3. demystify it for the youth so they can see it for what it is
4. put cartels out of business saving $$$ from drug war
get it? thats what its apparently all about
A quick web search uncovered the tesofensine direct consumer marketing campaign:
Does tesofensine cause the same degree of down-regulation as cocaine? If not, I wonder if this is the drug we've all been looking for.
Only to a med student does a hexagon and some O's look the same ; ) (I know it's benzene :p) Hey, how's it going? - I came out from under a rock. Thanks for the info though...actually, gotta run...signed up for the clinical trials of teso. Thanks again for the tip.
Looking at the post, realized I had been cagey about identity - it's your bro, Dan
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