radiology lecture
dont need chest ct for pneumonia should be able to use cxr, persistent pneumonia is indication for chest ct
known interstitial lung disease
f/u to therapy
lung ca staging
for pulmonary embolism test is CTA
aneurysm ask for contrast and noncontrast, noncontrast first to see acute blood
ascending aorta is surgical management, descending is medical management
anterior mediasinal mass differ
Terrible lymphoma
Thyroid tumors
Thoracic aorta
air bronchograms are airways traversing through consolidated lung - alveoli are filled
clinical notes
80% of all GI bleeds UGIB - dx includes PUD, varices, AVM, GAVE, gastritis
fecal antigen test for H. pylori ~100% sensitive
pepto bismo makes stool look melanic
mycobacterial infections increased in north carolina because greater numbers of them in the soil
anti dsDNA antibodies used to monitor lupus
doing an LP? send for VZV, EBV, HSV, AFB, bacterial, india ink, toxo, jc and lyme
"cant correlate response to tx of crypto meningitis by using titers, use clinical symptoms, you can follow serum titers"
tx amphotericin and fluconazole
ICP>25cm should be drained
HCV Ab takes ~12wks to seroconvert but when do are 98% sensitive
acute HAV big rise in ALT ~2months,
dont be fooled- hep B surface antibody can go away (become undetected) patient still has immunity
HBV mainly sexually transmitted disease
tx - IFNalpha2b nucleotide/side inhibitors,
pros - 1 year treatment, increased clearance
cons - subq injection, depression/psych side fx
15-40% will clear acute HCV infxn
normally transmitted parenterally (blood to blood)
test is elisa if + then look for RNA,
HCV elisa false negative w/early test and immunosuppressed
normal ALT does not rule out HCV
HCV tx PEG-IFNalpha
random fact - dysgeusia - an alteration in taste
c. diff colitis can occur 6months after abx
mammography guidelines - 40-50 nada (would need to expose 3000 women to ten years of radiation to pick one cancer)
50-60 every two years, 60+ yearly
mammography not a great screen for young denser breast tissue anyway
Mollaret's meningitis - recurrent HSV-2 mediated
"gastric ulcer bleeding is arterial- not venous"
"an ulcer in the antrum is almost never cancerous"
ulcer healing while on PPI ~90%, while on ranitidine/famotidine -85%
when you get ulcers in the antrum the problem is pyloric stenosis
risk of PUD - bleeding and perforation
Obstruction? differential - malignancy, crohn's, pancreatitis, gastric polyp, tb, gastric bezoars (foreign body)
IgG4 deficiency predisposes to atelectasis
heard on the wards-
"patient complains of losing hearing? check the ear for cockroaches"
senna/docusate - softens bowel movements
dulcolax/miralax/enema -heavy duty
"don't give epi/terbutaline for asthma exacerbation to patient w/htn and h/o cad or other risk factors, iatrogenic MI well described"
contraindications to permissive hypercapnia
1. pregnancy
2. increased ICP
heliox - 70/30 blend of helium and o2 allows for more laminar flow, have to reset ventilator settings
inhaled anesthetics are great bronchodilators
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