
L. Ron Hubbard

Went to the Scientology Church in times square Friday, they play the orientation film every 15 minutes.


I have other things to do right now, but the analysis of this film is pretty straightforward-
establish credibility, reveal no dogma only technical and organizational details replete with jargon, overcome objections, promise guaranteed results, personal testimony from people like you and me (plus Kirstie Alley, Jon Travolta, and Isaac Hayes), and confrontational hard sell at the end. BUY our books- all to the backdrop of high romance cinematic soundscapes.

Pay careful attention to the placement of the actors, dressing and stereotyping, as well as the similarity with Christian imagery (cruciform symbol, church, etc...)  

I can see why this would work they're pretty good, and if you're lonely or suggestable you could be headed to the next org for an audit, not that its a bad thing - if it provides community and support, but  I cant comment on whether thats possible with Scientology... it is easy to be cynical about man made religions being for profit. Also - I love self help gurus, I think there enthusiasm is contagious, but it crosses the line at religion.

ps- i didn't film this

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