
keratoconus - look up

pc haze post cataract surgery (develop membrane)

central retinal artery embolus
-tpa to ophthalmic artery not a good choice for because no benefit + increased mortality
tx - drop pressure - ocular massage, put a needle in eye drain pressure.

rule of hemiretina -half the retina (inferior or superior) w/pathology on funduscopy most likely vascular

vein occlusion

BRVO - hypertension - creates sclerotic arteries and AV nicking decreasing venous return and perturbing flow

CRVO (central retinal vein occlusion) - most commonly associated w/glaucoma, can also get w/coagulopathy, notice both hemiretinas are involved

wet macular degeneration gives you choroidal neovascularization

retinal neovascularization: diabetes, CRVO, BRVO, carotid disease
tx antiVEGF and PRP- panretinal photocoagulation
new vessel growth is bad because can cause - hemorrhage, traction retinal detachment, and neovascular glaucoma (anterior chamber)

"infections/inflammation in retina tend to look white"

papilledema has by definition increased ICP

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